What is ROI and how is it calculated?

Did you know that around 80% of companies monitor the ROI (Return on Investment of their investments)? 


This financial metric is essential for evaluating the effectiveness and return on investments made by an organization. 

In this article, we will understand what is, how to calculate it and the importance of this tool for making strategic decisions.

Keys to Success

  • Understand the concept of return and its importance for business
  • Learn to calculate accurately and consistently
  • Identify the main factors that influence
  • Implement best practices to increase return on investment
  • Use technological tools to monitor and analyze

What is ROI

ROI, an acronym in English for “Return on Investment”, is a financial metric that measures the return obtained in relation to an investment made. 


Therefore, this measure is widely used by companies to evaluate the profitability and efficiency of their strategies and projects, helping to make more assertive decisions.

Importance of ROI for companies

Strategic decision making

ROI is a fundamental tool for companies to assess the viability of their investments and projects. 

With this metric, it is possible to identify which initiatives are generating the best returns and, consequently, support strategic decision-making that is more aligned with business objectives.

Investment evaluation

In addition to assisting in decision making, return is also essential for evaluating and monitoring investments made. 

This is because this metric allows companies to identify which investments are generating the best results and, thus, optimize their resources more efficiently.

How to calculate

Calculating return is relatively simple and can be expressed by the following formula: ROI = (Return on Investment – Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment. 

Thus, this equation makes it possible to determine the percentage of return obtained in relation to the amount invested, helping companies to evaluate the profitability of their initiatives.

Types of ROI

Marketing ROI

Marketing ROI is a metric used to evaluate the financial return on marketing actions carried out by a company. 

So, this measure helps to identify which campaigns, channels or marketing initiatives are generating the best results in terms of lead generation, customer acquisition and, most importantly, financial return.

Project ROI

In addition to marketing ROI, companies can also calculate return for specific projects, such as implementing a new system, expanding a facility, or launching a new product. 

In this way, this metric allows the organization to evaluate the viability and return on these investments, helping to make more informed decisions.

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Factors that influence ROI

Return on investment (ROI) is very important for companies. It helps you see if your investments are paying off well. Several influencing factors can change the result. 

Understanding these factors is key to improving return and making good investment choices.

An important factor is the investment cost. The more you invest, the more you need to get a good return. 

A revenue generated is also crucial. It defines how much you will earn from the investment.

A operational efficiency of the company also counts a lot. Better processes and systems can reduce costs and increase profits. 

A competition and the market conditions are also important factors. They can change demand and prices.

Consider the pricing strategies and others effectiveness of marketing actions is essential. These are some of the main factors that influence.

Companies must monitor and manage these factors to obtain the best return on investment.

  • Investment cost
  • Revenue generated
  • Operational efficiency
  • Competition
  • Market conditions
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Effectiveness of marketing actions

“Understanding the factors that influence ROI is essential for companies to get the maximum return on their investments.”

ROI BenefitsDescription
Strategic decision makingROI provides valuable information so that managers can make more assertive decisions, allocating resources more efficiently.
Investment evaluationROI allows companies to analyze the feasibility of new projects, ensuring that resources are allocated more efficiently.
Performance MonitoringTracking ROI over time allows companies to evaluate the effectiveness of their initiatives and make necessary adjustments.

Calculation Examples

ROI of a marketing campaign

Imagine that a company invests R$50,000 in a digital marketing campaign and, as a result, obtains an increase of R$100,000 in its sales. 

In this case, the campaign’s ROI would be: ROI = (R$100,000 – R$50,000) / R$50,000 = 100%, that is, a 100% return on the investment made.

ROI of a new product

Another common situation is calculating the return for launching a new product. Suppose a company invests R$1 million in the development and launch of a new product, and that product generates R$2 million in revenue in the first year.

 In this case, the return would be: ROI = (R$2,000,000 – R$1,000,000) / R$1,000,000 = 100%, indicating a 100% return on investment.

ROI TypeDescriptionExample
Marketing ROIMeasures the return on investment in marketing actionsNew product launch campaign
Project ROIEvaluates the return on investments in specific projectsImplementation of a new management system

Best practices to increase ROI

Increasing ROI (Return on Investment) is essential for the success of companies. There are effective practices to boost this financial indicator. See some of the best practices to increase:

  1. Optimize investment costs: Analyze the costs of each project and look for ways to reduce them. This must be done without compromising quality or effectiveness.
  2. Increase operational efficiency: Identify and eliminate bottlenecks. Improve internal processes and use technologies that increase productivity.
  3. Improve the pricing strategy: Review the prices of products and services. Consider competition, costs and the value perceived by customers.
  4. Improve marketing actions: Invest in marketing campaigns and strategies that generate more qualified leads. This optimizes the return on investment.
  5. Diversify revenue sources: Explore new business opportunities. This can supplement existing revenue and reduce dependence on a single source.
  6. Constantly monitor investment performance: Monitor KPIs and adjust strategies according to results.

Apply these best practices to increase ROI can boost investments. This results in a more significant financial return. Thus, companies grow and become more competitive in the market.

Tools to calculate and monitor ROI

Financial analysis software

There are several financial analysis tools and software that can help companies calculate and monitor the return of their investments.

This is because these systems offer advanced data visualization capabilities, personalized reports and in-depth analysis, helping organizations make more informed and strategic decisions.

Electronic spreadsheets

Spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, are another option. They allow you to create models to calculate ROI. This is useful for adapting to the company’s needs.

With them, it is easy to monitor and analyze the data. This offers a clear view of the return on investments.

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