Come spendere meno ogni giorno: consigli pratici per la tua routine

In times of economic uncertainty, learning how to spend less in everyday life has become an essential skill. 


The search for a more financially sustainable lifestyle not only reduces stress, but also increases the ability to plan for the future with more security.

So, whether you want to save money for a big project or simply better manage your household budget, optimizing the use of daily resources is a practice that brings long-term results.

In this article, we’ll explore practical strategies for reducing everyday expenses, based on efficient behaviors and data that demonstrate the positive impact of these changes. Continue reading!

How to spend less: changes in diet


Food is one of the biggest expenses in any household. According to recent data from IBGE, 20% of the average family income in Brazil goes towards food

The good news is that it is possible to reduce this percentage without compromising the quality of the meals. The first tip is to focus on weekly menu planning.

Purchase planning

By defining what will be consumed during the week, you avoid unnecessary purchases and waste. So, make a shopping list and stick to it. 

Studies show that consumers who use lists spend, on average, 23% less than those who buy spontaneously. 

Additionally, planning allows you to take advantage of promotions and avoid overbuying.

Table 1: Difference in consumption with and without purchasing planning

No planningWith planning
Impulsive spendingTargeted purchases
Out-of-budget purchasesSavings of up to 23%
Food wasteBetter use of products

Cooking at home

Another effective way to spend less is preparing meals at home, as eating out, in addition to being more expensive, often involves larger portions or ingredients that would not be used at home. 

When cooking, you have complete control over costs and can opt for cheaper and healthier ingredients, such as seasonal vegetables.

Furthermore, the habit of cooking at home allows you to make greater use of leftovers, transforming them into new meals and minimizing food waste.

++Good vs. Bad Debt: How to Manage Different Types of Debt – TimesBack.

Take advantage of promotions and offers

Search for weekly offers and pay attention to promotions, as many supermarket chains offer significant discounts on certain days of the week, and discount apps can also be powerful allies. 

That said, the secret is to avoid the temptation to buy products just because they are on offer. It doesn’t mean buying less, but buying more intelligently.

How to spend less: transport and mobility

Transport costs are another area where savings can be made, as fuel prices, vehicle wear and tear and parking expenses can easily add up. 

Here, we present some alternatives to minimize these costs.

Public transport and carpooling

Whenever possible, use public transport, as in addition to being a more sustainable option, the monthly cost of a transport pass is much lower than maintaining a car, especially in large cities. 

If public transportation isn’t a viable option for you, consider sharing rides with coworkers or friends. 

This is because carpooling shares fuel costs and also helps reduce wear and tear on the vehicle.

Bike and hiking

For short journeys, cycling or even walking are great ways to reduce expenses. 

This is because, in addition to saving money on fuel and maintenance, these habits provide health benefits. 

Research by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that walking or cycling regularly can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by up to 30%.

Preventive maintenance

Keeping your vehicle in good condition is also a smart way to spend less, pois uRegular maintenance can prevent bigger, more expensive problems in the future.

So, make sure the tires are properly inflated, the oil is up to date and the air and fuel filters are clean. Prevention, in this case, avoids unforeseen expenses and extends the useful life of the car.

++How to Create a Digital Product and Sell Online – TimesBack.

How to spend less on utility bills

Costs for services, such as electricity, water and internet, also weigh on the budget. 

However, there are practical ways to reduce these expenses and optimize the use of resources.

Energy saving

Turning off electronic devices when they are not in use may seem like a simple tip, but it makes a significant difference. 

Stand-by mode, for example, can represent up to 10% of a home’s total energy consumption. 

Furthermore, opting for LED bulbs, which consume less energy and last longer, is also an effective way to save. 

According to ANEEL, replacing incandescent lamps with LEDs can reduce electricity bills by up to 15%.

Conscientious use of water

The conscious use of water is another area in which it is possible to spend less

In this case, small habits, such as turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, can result in big savings. 

Furthermore, the use of flow reducers in taps and showers can reduce consumption by up to 50%. 

Finally, another tip is to reuse the water from the washing machine to clean external areas or wash the car.

Compare internet and phone plans

We often pay for internet or telephone packages that we do not use in full. 

So, analyze your real consumption and compare plans offered by different operators. 

This is because loyalty plans or combined packages, which include internet, TV and telephone, can be more advantageous than hiring these services separately.

How to spend less on clothing and shopping in general

Finally, clothes and other personal items can also be a source of savings. The secret is to prioritize quality over quantity, in addition to seeking more conscious consumption options.

Smart shopping

Before buying a new item, ask yourself if you really need it. After all, the culture of impulsive consumption often leads to unnecessary expenses. 

According to the National Confederation of Retail Managers (CNDL), 40% of Brazilians buy on impulse, which can lead to debts and future regrets. 

So, opt for basic, good quality pieces that are more durable and can be combined in different ways.

Thrift stores and second hand

Shopping at thrift stores or second-hand stores is not just a way to spend less, but also to adopt a more sustainable stance.

This is because used clothing, often in excellent condition, can be found at much lower prices than in traditional stores.

Sale and exchange of clothes

Another interesting tip is to organize clothes swaps between friends or family, as this allows you to renew your wardrobe without spending anything. 

Additionally, selling pieces you no longer use can generate extra income and free up space in your closet.


The practice of spend less On a daily basis requires discipline, planning and a mindset focused on optimizing resources.

So, by adopting these simple tips, you not only reduce your costs, but also contribute to a more sustainable and conscious lifestyle. 

As Benjamin Franklin stated: “Be careful with small expenses; a small crack sinks a great ship.” 

By applying these changes, the results will certainly be visible in your budget and quality of life.

Leggi anche: Budgeting 101: Creating a Financial Plan That Works – TimesBack.
