Hoe kunt u financiële statistieken gebruiken om zakelijke beslissingen te nemen?

Did you know that companies that use financial metrics strategically grow 58% more than those that don’t? This data shows the power of financial information for business success.


That said, today you will learn how to analyze this data and transform it into decisions that drive your business. Continue reading and check it out!

Central topics:

  • What makes financial metrics powerful tools for strategic decision making
  • The main financial indicators are essential for the health of the business
  • Analysis of metrics such as cash flow, profitability and debt guides managers to more assertive choices
  • Monitoring operational efficiency and creating value for shareholders optimizes the company’s resources
  • Correct use of financial metrics to drive your business growth 

What are financial metrics?

Financial metrics are tools that allow managers to make business decisions based on concrete data. 

This is because they provide valuable insights into the financial health of a company and the market in general. 


This way, leaders can monitor performance, identify areas for improvement, and plan strategies to achieve their goals.

Definition and types of financial metrics

Financial metrics are indicators that measure an organization’s financial performance. They include:

  • Profitability, such as profit margin and return on investment (ROI)
  • Liquidity, such as the current liquidity ratio and cash flow
  • Debt, such as the debt ratio and interest coverage
  • Operational efficiency, such as inventory turnover and employee productivity

Importance of financial metrics for companies

Financial metrics for making decisions are essential for companies, as they allow:

  1. Evaluate the organization’s financial performance
  2. Identify opportunities for improvement and areas needing attention
  3. Make more informed strategic decisions, such as investments, expansion or cost reduction
  4. Monitor financial health and shareholder value creation
  5. Compare performance with competitors or the industry at large

So, understanding and analyzing these metrics helps leaders make business decisions based on real information, and this guides the sustainable growth of the organization.

Financial MetricDescriptionImportance
Profit MarginPercentage of profit in relation to salesIndicates business profitability and operational efficiency
Current LiquidityRelationship between current assets and current liabilitiesAssesses the company’s ability to meet its short-term obligations
Debt RatioRatio of total debts to total assetsIndicates the level of financial leverage and risk exposure

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Financial metrics to make decisions

Financial metrics are powerful tools for business owners and managers, as they help to make strategic decisions based on data.

So, by analyzing these metrics, it is possible to better understand the performance of the business.

That said, a key metric is the cash flow, which allows you to monitor the inflow and outflow of resources. This way, managers can plan better and control expenses. 

Other important metrics are the profitability and the debt indicators.

The metrics of operational efficiency help optimize resources and processes. 

Finally, the indicators of value creation show how the company generates long-term returns.

“Making strategic decisions without financial metrics is like sailing on the high seas without a compass. Metrics are the key to a prosperous and sustainable business.”

Cash flow: the key to financial health

Evaluating cash flow data is essential to understanding the degree of financial health of the business.

This is because these financial metrics demonstrate what is coming in and out of revenue.

How to calculate and analyze cash flow

To calculate cash flow, you need to analyze your company’s cash inflows and outflows. 

This includes sales, expenses, investments and financing. Monitoring cash flow helps identify trends. This way, it is possible to anticipate problems and take advantage of opportunities.

Strategies to improve cash flow

  • Optimize receipt and payment deadlines
  • Reduce unnecessary expenses
  • Diversify income sources
  • Negotiate better conditions with suppliers
  • Invest in projects that generate short-term returns

So, with these strategies, you can greatly improve your company’s cash flow, which guarantees long-term financial sustainability and encourages more assertive decision-making.

Profitability: the goal of every business

Running a business means focusing on profitability, and the main goal is to make profits that can last. 

So, understanding the profitability of your business is essential to make good decisions.

That said, to know if your business is profitable, it’s important to monitor some key metrics:

  • Gross profit margin: Shows the percentage of revenue left after paying direct costs.
  • Net profit margin: It presents the final profitability, considering all expenses.
  • Return on investment (ROI): Evaluates the efficiency of the money invested.

This is because these financial metrics to make decisions give a complete view of the company’s profitability. 

So, by checking them regularly, you can find ways to improve results, whether by cutting costs, increasing prices, or whatever works best for the situation.

Gross profit marginPercentage of revenue remaining after deducting direct costs(Revenue – Direct costs) / Revenue
Net profit marginFinal profitability after deducting all expensesNet profit/Revenue
Return on investment (ROI)Efficiency of capital invested in the businessNet profit / Total investment

“Profitability is the fuel that keeps a business running and allows for sustainable growth.”

Debt: balance between risk and return

Calculating debt data is essential to maintain the proper functioning of the business, as it allows you to balance the risks and returns of each operation.

Essential Debt Indicators

Among the financial metrics for calculating debt, we can highlight the following options:

  • General Debt Ratio: Shows the ratio of debts to assets.
  • Interest Coverage Ratio: Checks whether the company can pay the interest on its debts.
  • Average Debt Term: Tells you how long it takes to pay off debts on average.

Effective Debt Management

To manage debt well, companies must follow some strategies:

  1. Monitor debt indicators and their trends.
  2. Set debt goals that align with financial metrics for decision-making and business strategy.
  3. Negotiate better conditions with creditors, such as terms and interest rates.
  4. Evaluate refinancing or debt consolidation opportunities to improve your debt profile.
  5. Implement strict controls over the level of leverage, to avoid excesses that could harm financial health.

With a strategic and disciplined approach, companies can make the most of debt capital, which helps minimize risk.

Operational efficiency: optimizing resources

The metrics Financials are much more than numbers and reports, they are powerful tools for improving business decisions and operational efficiency. 

So, by monitoring the right metrics, companies find opportunities to optimize resources and improve processes.

Operational efficiency metrics

Some key operational efficiency metrics are:

  • Labor productivity: Measures the amount of production per employee, helping to identify areas for improvement in the use of human resources.
  • Asset efficiency: It evaluates how well the company uses its assets to generate revenue, indicating opportunities for optimizing investments.
  • Cycle time: Tracks the time needed to complete the company’s main processes, allowing you to identify bottlenecks and opportunities for acceleration.
  • Capacity utilization index: It measures how much of the installed capacity is being used, signaling whether there is a need for investment or cost reduction.

So, these financial metrics for making decisions provide valuable insights into operational efficiency, as they allow companies to choose where to invest, and how to optimize resources and improve processes.

Labor productivityTotal revenue / Number of employeesEvaluates the efficiency of the use of human resources
Asset efficiencyTotal Revenue / Total Asset ValueIndicates how well the company uses its assets to generate revenue
Cycle timeTotal time of a process / Number of units producedIdentifies bottlenecks and opportunities to accelerate processes
Capacity utilization indexCurrent production / Maximum production capacityIndicates whether there is a need for investment or cost reduction

Creating value for shareholders

Making business decisions involves more than looking at profitability, after all it is crucial to think about creating value for shareholders, who expect good returns and sustainable growth.

Value creation metrics

To assess shareholder value, we use financial metrics to make decisions. These metrics include:

  • Return on invested capital (ROIC): It shows the efficiency in generating profits with the capital invested.
  • Added economic value (EVA): It helps to see how much value the company generated beyond the cost of capital.
  • Market value added (MVA): It is the difference between the company’s market value and the invested capital.
Return on invested capital (ROIC)Measures efficiency in generating profits with invested capital.This metric shows whether the company is generating sufficient returns.
Economic value added (EVA)Shows the value generated above the cost of capital.Indicates whether the company is creating value or just covering costs.
Market value added (MVA)It is the difference between market value and invested capital.This metric shows whether the company is valued by the market.


In this content we were able to understand what financial metrics are and how this data impacts decision-making in a business.

Furthermore, we were also able to learn about some of the main metrics used in the corporate environment.

This way, you now know important tools for managing the financial control of the company you manage.

Remember that good management must be based on concrete data, so evaluate your company’s information strategically and thus facilitate access to success.

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