Klimaatverandering en duurzaam leven: acties die we nu kunnen ondernemen

The subjects climate change and sustainable living are constantly mentioned together, but what is the true relationship between them?


Concern about changes in the Earth’s atmosphere becomes greater as global warming impacts the planet, which in turn poses risks to the different forms of life that live here.

For this reason, talking about sustainable practices is increasingly urgent. But how can we help the planet individually? That’s what we’ll talk about today, keep reading to check it out!

What is the relationship between climate change and sustainable living?

You have certainly come across countless television reports reporting the impacts of global warming on life on planet Earth.


The fact is that climate change is already visible, and the Earth’s temperature has been experiencing significant increases since the Industrial Revolution, which occurred in the 19th century.

This scenario indicates that human actions bear a significant part of the responsibility for these changes on the planet.

The use of fossil fuels by humans results in the emission of gases into the atmosphere that increase the capture of heat from the Sun, which culminates in an increase in the planet’s temperature.

As a result, glaciers begin to melt, regions become deserts and thousands of plant and animal life forms are at serious risk of extinction.

For this reason, sustainable living is an important path to reducing the advancement of climate change, as it would reduce consumption and consequently result in less waste and fewer gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Therefore, the future of the planet depends mainly on political actions, since large-scale actions have a much greater impact on improving the global situation.

However, if every human being does their part, important changes can occur in consumption habits, which would reduce impacts on the planet.

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Climate change and sustainable living: find out how to help preserve the planet 

As we saw previously, the most important actions must come from state leaders around the world, who together must adopt policies to reduce impacts on the planet.

However, if each of us does our part, bad habits can be left aside, and thus less impact will be caused to the planet.

See below 5 ways to lead a sustainable life and contribute to reducing climate change.

1. Avoid plastic consumption 

Plastic is a very problematic product for the health of the planet, since, in addition to being difficult to decompose, its production generates emissions of polluting gases into the planet’s atmosphere.

Therefore, whenever possible, choose to replace plastic products and packaging with alternative materials, such as glass, wood, paper, among others.

Furthermore, if possible, adopt plastic recycling measures, as this reduces the need for new production.

This is a simple sustainable living practice, but it certainly makes it possible to reduce the occurrence of climate change.

2. Pay attention to the choice of government officials 

Previously we said that the main actions to prevent climate change must come from the governments of countries around the world.

This is because, only through legislation and structural changes is it possible to truly change the population’s consumption habits, and thus reduce the impacts caused to the planet.

Therefore, when voting, choose government officials who are committed to environmental causes, as this way your concerns will become political.

3. Consume water consciously 

Fresh water suitable for consumption is a finite resource, and human actions have made it increasingly rare. scarce, especially in regions with lower HDI (Human Development Index).

Therefore, an important sustainable lifestyle habit is to use water consciously, avoiding waste and opting for replacements.

There are countless alternatives for washing your car without wasting drinking water, for example. So, look for solutions and avoid spending something so important, but so rare.

4. Give up consumerism 

Industry bears a significant part of the responsibility for the planet’s climate change, and consumerism is one of the biggest problems in this scenario.

Large-scale clothing production, frequent launches just to get ahead of competitors and countless consumers purchasing even what they don’t need, just to stay up to date.

This is the ideal scenario for the planet’s collapse, so invest in a sustainable life free from consumerism to avoid harm to life on Earth.

Assess whether your purchases are really necessary, and learn to value what you already have, this way, you will be able to reduce impulse purchases.

5. Choose products with sustainable production methods 

There are products that we cannot stop consuming, and at a certain point it will be necessary to buy them. 

In this case, choose brands and products that have sustainable production methods, that is, without excessive waste disposal and water consumption.

If possible, invest in brands that adhere to recycling and sustainability when creating their products, as in addition to reducing the generation of waste on the planet, you also contribute to the economy of those who really care about the cause.

Caring about climate change and sustainable living is the first step to promoting a healthier planet, so keep moving forward with this mission.

Read too: Mind-Blowing Optical Illusions: Visual Trickery Revealed (timesback.com).
