Règle 50/30/20 : comment répartir ses revenus ?

Règles 50/30/20 is a practical and accessible methodology for organizing a personal budget, proposed by US senator and personal finance expert Elizabeth Warren. 


This income allocation system offers an efficient structure for maintaining financial balance, regardless of income range. 

This is because the rule suggests dividing net monthly income into three categories: needs, wants and savings. 

Therefore, each month, the objective is to allocate 50% of income to essential expenses, 30% to desires and 20% to savings and investments, creating a solid foundation for a stable financial future.


With the popularization of this rule, especially in countries like the United States, the use of this approach has become a reference for those looking to improve their financial control and achieve long-term goals. 

In the following topics, we will address each of the rule’s categories, exploring data and examples relevant to the American context and presenting an illustrative table for different income ranges. Continue reading!

How does the 50/30/20 rule work?

To put the 50/30/20 rule into practice, you need to know your net income, that is, the amount left after deductions, such as taxes. 

Then, the income is divided into the three proposed categories.

  1. Needs (50% of income): 

This category is intended for essential and urgent expenses, such as rent, food, transportation and health, expenses that must be prioritized to ensure basic daily functioning. 

In a reality like the United States, housing and healthcare costs can represent a significant portion of needs. 

In 2023, for example, the average rent in the US for a one-bedroom apartment was approximately $1,400, which demonstrates the importance of limiting essential expenses so that they do not compromise the total budget.

  1. Wants (30% of income): 

This category includes expenses related to leisure and quality of life, including recreational activities, travel, dinners and hobbies. 

It is worth mentioning that allocating a portion to desires is important to maintain mental and emotional balance, reducing the temptation to overeat. 

Therefore, the 50/30/20 rule limits these expenses to 30%, which allows a life of leisure and pleasure without compromising your financial health.

  1. Savings and investments (20% of income): 

Allocating part of the budget for savings and investments is essential to guarantee security in the future and build wealth. 

This is because this category includes both the creation of an emergency fund and the payment of high-cost debts, if any. 

Therefore, financial experts recommend that an emergency fund covers three to six months of expenses so that you can deal with unforeseen events without compromising your budget. 

Therefore, investing in retirement accounts, such as 401(k) and IRA, is a common practice in the United States, as these accounts offer tax benefits and long-term security.

To illustrate how this rule can be applied, the table below shows a breakdown based on the 50/30/20 rule for different monthly net income ranges.

Monthly net incomeNeeds (50%)Wishes (30%)Savings and investments (20%)

Building Financial Security with the 50/30/20 Rule

Applying the 50/30/20 rule helps create a controlled and financially responsible spending pattern, providing a solid foundation for long-term goals and enabling a practical approach to building a secure financial future.

  1. Emergency reserve: 

The 20% allocation to savings and investments is the basis for building an emergency fund, essential for covering unforeseen expenses such as home repairs, medical bills or periods of unemployment. 

The United States Federal Reserve reported in 2023 that 40% of Americans do not have enough savings to cover a $400 emergency, reinforcing the importance of a reserve for unexpected situations.

  1. Debt control: 

The percentage reserved for savings and investments can also be used to reduce high-cost debts, such as revolving credit. 

  1. Planning for retirement: 

Allocating part of the 20% to long-term investments, such as retirement plans, is essential to guarantee financial independence in the future. 

In the United States, 401(k) and IRA contributions are common among those who want to maximize their capital growth potential with tax incentives.

Flexibility and adaptation of the 50/30/20 rule

While the 50/30/20 rule is a useful guideline, it can be adjusted to suit different needs and life stages. 

This is because flexibility is an important characteristic of this model, allowing adaptations as the financial scenario and personal goals change.

Adjustments for lower incomes: 

For people with a limited income, it is possible to adapt the rule by prioritizing needs and adjusting wants to less than 30%. 

Thus, the main focus will be to keep the basics up to date, avoiding debt.

Periodic review: 

It is recommended to review the budget periodically and adjust the allocation percentages according to the financial situation. 

This is because, with each new phase of life, such as the arrival of children or the start of a business, financial needs change, and adapting the 50/30/20 rule becomes essential to maintain financial balance.

Allocation for unforeseen events: 

In situations of increased income, a viable alternative is to redirect part of the 30% of desires into savings, which accelerates the building of wealth.

A lire aussi : 5 lessons about investing from the film The Big Short – TimesBack.

How does the 50/30/20 rule promote healthy financial habits?

Using the 50/30/20 rule encourages healthy financial management practices, as it brings organization and discipline to the budget, generating positive impacts on financial and emotional health. 

It is worth mentioning that consistent financial habits can even reduce money-related stress and increase quality of life.

Constant monitoring: 

The practice of tracking expenses allows you to identify excesses and adjust the budget as necessary. 

Applications such as Mint, Personal Capital and YNAB help with control and provide a clear view of adherence to the percentages of the 50/30/20 rule. 

A 2023 study indicated that 60% of users of finance tracking apps improved their ability to save.

Impulse control: 

By allocating a portion to desires, the rule encourages conscious consumption and helps to avoid impulsive spending, reducing pressure on the budget. This is important in the American context, where impulse consumption is high. In 2022, a LendingTree survey showed that the average American spends approximately $276 monthly on impulse purchases.

Setting financial goals: 

Applying the rule encourages the setting of short- and long-term financial goals, allowing people to stay focused and increase their ability to achieve their goals.

Benefits of the 50/30/20 rule in financial planning

The 50/30/20 rule provides an effective model for organizing your financial life and promoting balance between needs, desires and your financial future. 

Therefore, by following this approach, it is possible to achieve stability and create a sustainable and financially healthy consumption pattern.

In addition to being simple and practical, this rule promotes financial education, encouraging constant reflection on spending and investments. 

As Elizabeth Warren says, “Financial planning is the first step to any achievement.” The 50/30/20 rule is, therefore, a reliable path for those seeking financial security.

Therefore, to adopt the 50/30/20 rule effectively, it is recommended to use financial tools such as budgeting apps and spreadsheets to track monthly progress and ensure that spending is aligned with the plan. 

This way, you can stay on track for a secure and stable future, regardless of economic changes.

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